Sunday, October 23, 2005

the journey continues ...

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

We have been back in Sydney for a week now after a great time away in North America. Our time with family in California was very special! Many great Mexican meals, world-class national parks (Yosemite + Joshua Tree), roller coasters, outlet shopping, driving California freeways, In-n-Out Burgers and flying remote-controlled airplanes were excellent ways to spend some really special time with our North-American family. The time was less relaxed than planned, but we enjoyed every bit of it!

For those who prayed for us while we were away, especially regarding our possible future at Regent College – THANK YOU! We were also very touched by the encouraging emails from all around the world, the phone calls, SMS’s, face-to-face conversations and even a returned letter with a waxed seal! Thank you all!

We do feel that those prayers and encouragements were not ignored by our good Lord. We had a challenging but good time in Vancouver exploring our future at Regent. We were encouraged by the conversations we had with students about their experiences of the college and Regent community, plus their willingness to share with us. The faculty and admissions people we met with were so good to us as well, praying over us as we were exploring the opportunities. Also a big thank you to our Aussie friends in Vancouver who we stayed with and met up with while we were there – all who were really supportive of us as we talked through their experience of the college and life in Vancouver in general.

While we did not hear an audible divine call (although the sun was shining on our first day there!), we certainly felt that Regent seemed like a really good place to be and to continue our journey with Lord, being trained for whatever and wherever He may take take us beyond our time there. We feel like the Lord has been doing a lot in us already to get us to this point and physically across the world to the college. The next step is to submit our application by the end of the year to potentially start our studies in September 2006. One step at a time is a good for us as our fears about going and leaving our lives in Sydney behind still remain.

Can we ask you to keep journeying with us as we continue along this path – with your prayers, insights and encouragements.

May the Lord’s blessings be with you all ...
Andrew & Jessica

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