Several people advised that after reading each book, that I put together a 1-2 page summary of what the book is about, so that when I get to the writing stage of this task I don’t have to re-read everything – good advice! But, instead, I thought I would blog these summaries and give some short thoughts on how all this reading is fitting together and the significance it has.
My aims in making this public are several:
- It allows me to get my thoughts on what each book is about clear enough to post now & articulate to people outside of Regent’s academic environment on an ongoing basis
- I think this assignment is significant for how God’s people live, so my readers may learn something or do something
- This may inspire you to read a book or think through something that you otherwise would not
- It allows my readers to throw their 2 cents into my thoughts on each book and the direction this assignment is leading, especially some of the take-aways – so please post some comments!
I wont elaborate too much on where I think this assignment is going now, rather simply list the books I will be engaging with under 3 reading areas that Paul & I have clumped the books into (although there will of course be over-laps):
Living in light of God's Kingdom Rule & the coming Kingdom:
- Surprised by Hope : Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church
(N.T. Wright)
- Work in the Spirit : Toward a Theology of Work
(Miroslav Volf
- Vocation : Discerning Our Callings in Life
(Douglas Schuurman)
- The Other Six Days : Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective
(R. Paul Stevens)
- Listening to the God Who Speaks : Reflections on God's Guidance from Scripture and the Lives of God's People
(Klaus Bockmüehl)
Reading the bible well in regards to God's mission & how the Marketplace fits in:
- The Mission of God : Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative
(Christopher Wright)
- Hermeneutics for Economists : The Relevance of the Bible to Economics (Paul Williams)
- Economics Today : A Christian Critique
(Donald Hay)
Living in Babylon, the complexities of being a Christian in a broken world:
- A Failure of Nerve : Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix
(Edwin Friedman)
- The Way of the (Modern) World, or, Why It's Tempting to Live as If God Doesn't Exist
(Craig Gay)
- Resident Aliens : Life in the Christian Colony
(Stanley Hauerwas & William Willimon)
- Making the Best of It: Following Christ in the Real World
(John G. Stackhouse Jr.)
- Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World : Lessons for the Church from Macintyre's after Virtue
(Jonathan Wilson)
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